Friday, October 26, 2007

A second visit with Spider and Swallow

I went on a short spirit journey again tonight.  It has been a tumultuous week, and I am very tired; but I am going to set down what happened now while it is fresh in my mind.

I used the same technique as before.  The sky this time was cloudy, with ast moving patches of dark clouds.  The light is grayer and dimmer, almost like twilight.  Sometimes I can see the sun, lower in the sky.  Sometimes I see the bright full moon – the silvery light/shadow seems to touch everything.
In the clearing is the tree.  It seems larger this time, with a fuller crown.  I embrace it, and thank it for helping me.  I put both hands on the trunk and let the Reiki energy flow in and out.  I feel its goodwill, and know that it is always there with support and strength for me.

I look around.  The Green Master is not in evidence.  After a moment I become aware that the spider is here though.  I see her on a low branch of the tree that extends over the stream.  She appears very clearly, a small black spider walking on the branch.  I ask if she was the spider that walked over my horse’s bandages this morning; she says yes.  She makes no promises of the future, but tells me that she is doing well now, that she is strong, and that what we are doing now is the right course for her at this time.

A moment later I see her walking out over the stream on the branch.  She is carrying a large shining white egg sack.  I am a little concerned, I find egg sacks kind of creepy and worry that a million baby spiders are going to core crawling out (ick!).  The spider tells me not to be silly and calm down.  After a few moments I get control of myself and stop trying to guess/force what is going to happen, and just try to sit back, watch, and learn.  She flicks it into the air over the water, and it releases thousands of tiny white balloonist spiders, floating on tiny gossamer threads into the air.  The breeze takes them out over the grass to the forest, and over the forest.  Many land in the grass or in the trees, several land in my tree.  Once they land, I cannot see them but I know they are there.

These are not her bodily children, this is a lesson she it teaching me.  My first understanding of it is this: the world around me is filled with life.  No matter where I am, there are tiny living things near which share this life with me, and can help me if I ask with an open heart.  I am never alone, never separated from the web of life around me.  I feel there is more for me to learn, but for now I put the image in my heart for later.

Now I look up and the bird is flying down from the tree. He is circling around the trunk and coming down towards me, crying “News!  News!  I have news!”  As he comes close, I ask what news.  He says that he carries news and stories all over the world, from place to place.  Anything he hears he carries to his friends and it spreads outward.  This is what he wants me to know: Any kind word, or generous act, spreads out through the world like ripples on a pond, touching everyone.  This is what ties the world together: kind thoughts and deeds given freely without thought of return.

At this I see the second meaning of the spider’s act.  The tiny children of our spirits, our wishes, hopes, and dreams, must be set free into the world to land where they will.  They must not be held too close, or protected too much, but must be free to travel the wind and make their homes where they will.  If they go freely into the world with our love, then they will freely return that love to us in ever new and surprising ways.

I thank them all very much, what wonderful gifts they have given me today.  I walk back down the path, and awake.

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