Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Water Drake's message

I have been thinking and talking with Athena about what Water Drake means and it's message for me.  I have come to some conclusions.  The Water Drake is a dragon, a predator, and unites and balances fire and water.  Although strength, growth, adaptability, communication, and the other gifts of Oak, Spider, and Swallow have served me well, I am moving into a time when I need to add more assertiveness to my repertoire.

With Water Drake comes movement, aggression, being a predator, fighting, and taking charge.  Not in a negative way but in a positive way: I will need to actively seek out what I want and need, and take positive action to make it my own.  I think this applies to many parts of my life:

In work, it means being more assertive and showing greater leadership.  I need to demand more responsibility, and fight for the projects and directions that I think are important.

Spiritually, it means trying new things and being more adventurous.  Embracing the aspects of manhood and predator that I tend to shy away from: power, sexuality, and the warrior archetype.  And at the same time to explore the obverse: to learn more about the eternal feminine and what it means.

In my relationship it means being less passive.  It is a call to work harder to enhance and enrich our relationship, and again to embrace and express the energies of the lover, the warrior, the master, to enliven and enhance our relationship.  Likewise the obverse, to get more in touch with my inner feminine aspect and gain greater understanding of it, and the "dark, dumb, belly attention" that stirs the sparks to fire.

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