Friday, February 8, 2013

Riding Water Drake

I took a spirit journey, to get to know Water Drake better.  I started on the beach and walked up the path through the woods; it was dark and the stars were bright.

When I got to the clearing and looked in the entrance, instead of a wide meadow of green grass was a wide sea of sunny green water, with small waves splashing.  As I looked, it shifted back and forth; from sea to water over green grass to dry land and back.  I stepped in it, and splashed ankle deep in the bright water.  I could see Oak a little ways ahead, seeming unconcerned that he was growing in the sea now.  Water Drake raised its head up out of the water above me; it was HUGE, shining blue and silver.  His head was large and elegant, like a Chinese dragon.

I asked if it would let me ride him; to wherever it chose to take me.  Water Drake assented, and sank down in the water, then his head rose up below me and I was astride his neck.  I expected it to dive down and swim into the depths of the sea, but instead it kept rising and swam up into the sky above.  We quickly left the earth behind and swam among the bright stars, in the black night of the sea of stars.  It was glorious to feel Water Drake's strength and confidence.

After a bit I suggested we return.  Instead of diving back down to earth, Water Drake gave a shiver and dash up and we broke through the surface of the sea and were in my meadow again.  I wondered where we had been - in the sky?  Below the sea?  And then I understood that to Water Drake all these were the same.  The sea, the sky, the earth, near, far, all were united and only our limited perceptions separated them.  By just changing our perspective we can shift from one place to another - but really only our perception shifts.

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