Monday, February 11, 2013

Trees - The Alder

To deepen my understanding of trees and my Green Man oracle cards, I will periodically be drawing one card and spending a few weeks learning and studying the tree, both in natural science and in spiritual meanings.

The Alder

Associated with Fire and Water (significant, given my recent connection with Water Drake), the alder grows in wet areas and reclaims ravaged or swampy land.  Foresters call it a "pioneer" species, because it is often the first tree to establish itself after a fire or flood.  Alders fix nitrogen in the soil, naturally fertilizing poor soil and preparing it for other plants.  The alder is said to represent the power of Fire to free Earth from Water.

Alder wood is oily and waterproof, and was often used for foundations and pilings, for bridges, and for making pails (one of the names for alder is "milk-guard").  Alder wood burns poorly, but makes excellent charcoal, much favored by metal smiths and weapon makers.  This, together with the red sap that drips when the wood is cut, may be why alder is called the "The very battle-witch of all woods, tree that is the hottest in a fight".

Alder is associated with Ravens and Crows.  It is the tree of the god Bran, and is linked to resurrection.  According to Irish legend, the first man was created from an alder tree.  Three dyes are made from alder: red from the bark, green from the flowers, and brown from the twigs.  The red dye was used by the ancient Welsh "crimson-stained heroes", sacred kings connected with Bran.

Young alder stems make excellent whistles, so the tree is also called the "whistle-tree".  This may be associated with the legend that after Bran's death his "singing head" was cut off and preserved, and provided good advice and prophesy to his followers for 87 years before being buried at the present site of the Tower of London.  Bran's sacred ravens remain at the Tower to this day, and are said to keep Britain safe from invasion still.  If they ever leave, disaster will follow.  (nowadays, the practical British keep their wing feathers clipped so that they will not fly away).

Alder trees provide shelter to many small woodland creatures. It is said that no harm will come to a traveler who sleeps beneath an alder, and carrying some alder wood in your pocket will bring good luck. The alder tree is especially favored by the Fairies, and acts as a gateway to their realm as well as repelling bad Fairies.  The association with Fairies and with Bran make this an especially sacred tree, and felling an alder brings a terrible curse.

Meaning in divination:
According to the Green Man Oracle - "Defense keeps clear the territory".  Watch your boundaries, and protect yourself against invaders.  According to other sources, alder shows that you will win a battle.  It is a powerful protection in battles and conflicts.  It also is a reminder to balance strength and courage with compassion and generosity.  Its role in the wild also suggests the need to nurture and provide care for those that come after.


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