Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Walking with many meetings

I walked again in the nature preserve near my place, in the early evening.  I took the "long trail", which is about 2 miles.  It was beautiful, and there was so much wildlife!  I must have passed 6 groups of deer, just eating and hanging out; they were within 20 to 30 feet of the path.  I took a moment when I passed each to greet them and ask their names, and to snap a few pictures with my phone (most of them didn't come out).  What a wonderful walk!  Here is who I met on the way:

Rachel, a rather timid doe.
Andromeda, a reddish dappled fawn and his mother Hyacinth - she said her name was given her by her last buck because of the violet glints in her eyes.
Robert, an armadillo.  He was too busy digging under the leaves to talk :).
Grass-nibbler and Grass-leaper, who were waited beside the path for me to pass before they crossed.
Emily and Listener.  Emily was a larger doe, and Listener was much smaller.  Here is a picture of them:
Listener is on the left - he spent more time watching and listening than eating. 

Several of them said that they really like the nature preserve - they feel safe there, and know that people will leave them alone there, but they are in danger if they leave.

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