"Is it always the same? The same ending and beginning?"
"For some. But for others, it is the spiraling song of the lark ascending."
How does the lark rise? Not with striving, but with joy. By rejoicing in himself, pure and unnamed, and dancing with the world without fear, he is carried ever higher in bliss. How could he not?
The spiraling song of the lark ascending.
The wheel of Karma can be a millstone that grinds you down with each fruitless turn. Turning everything to dust.
Or it can be a unfolding spiral, expanding boundlessly, that carries you out into a wider world, like a child spinning in the grass until he falls laughing.
The spiraling song of the lark ascending.
The world that surrounds us here and now is our partner. If we dance with her, unashamed, unregreting, how can we not both be lifted to joy? Let us dance!
Let us rise, the spiraling song of the lark ascending!
Inspired by a quote from Covenants, by Lorna Freeman