Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Connecting with Water

I took my daughter and niece to the pool at the Y last week, my first time swimming this summer. While the girls played in the shallow pool for a while, I floated in the deep outdoor pool and opened myself up to Water. I have never done Reiki or spirit work in the water before. But the water was warm, the sun was shining, and the pool was quiet...

I floated in the water, and let the Reiki flow through me, from my crown to my feet. My body relaxed, and my breathing became slower and deeper. Splashing around had gotten me out of breath, and I had been gasping a little, but Reiki always seems to quiet this and calm my body, to use oxygen better. After a time, I released my breath, and as it flowed out I sank bonelessly down the bottom of the pool. I hung there for an endless time, gazing out into the light-filled blue, and opened all my gates. I invited Water to enter me and sustain me. I felt its huge calmness, its quiet power, flow through me. I felt no movement, no tug of gravity. My lungs and belly were relaxed. I felt the energy of Water moving within me. I know that I floated there at the bottom of the pool for longer than I can usually hold my breath, even though my lungs were empty and relaxed. After a time, I knew that I needed some air, even though I felt no tension in my body or concern. I extended my legs easily, and drifted back up, to take a calm, unhurried breath as my head broke the surface.

When I went back down next time, as I floated in the depths, I though of my time floating in the belly of the chthonic beast, where Yaah-waah oversaw my death and rebirth in the waters of the earth. This water is sister to that water, all waters are kin, all waters (from a puddle or a tear to the ocean) are part of a single great body that is Water. The water that flows through my veins is part of the same great being, whose patience and power is always there for us.

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