In the clearing, the sun was shining. I walked up to the Oak, and embraced it, thanking it for the strength and help it has given me. Spider and Swallow appeared also, and I thanked them each for the special help and gifts they have been giving me recently. My wife struck her head recently and after returning from the hospital I was trying Reiki on it. I asked Spider to help knit the flesh together again and to help it heal cleanly, and I felt a definite response; I know Athena felt it too because she immediately said "Ow!" :)
Oak said that he was glad to give me his strength; he then leaned down and placed a nut in my hands. It looked delicious and I ate it. Then I asked what it was, and Oak said that is was strength for me to have when I needed it.
I walked over to the stream, running swift and clear. The water tasted cold and wonderful, and I also laved my face and head with it. It was so refreshing!
Then I turned to my guides and asked them if there was anything they could tell me. Spider spoke, saying that I should look around me and see where the threads of my life were, that I needed to stay aware of who and what I had included in my web and to keep them in my heart to stay in balance. I looked around and there were many heart-threads from me to Athena, my son, my daughter, and others in my life. It was all part of a large web that was beautiful and elaborate, that we all spun together by caring and reaching to each other. Spider told me to keep aware of this, and know that I needed to be a dependable anchor for my threads, and that I could also get support and comfort from these threads; that we are all balanced in a web of love, helping each other.
As I looked at the threads that lead to my son and daughter, my guides said that it was time I gave (or learned?) their names. They appeared to me as subtle concepts, and with a little work and help I determined that they should have this form:
My daughter is Aurora Lucidus Animi, Dawn of the Heart of Fire.
My son is Cercatore Filodoro, Seeker of the Thread of Gold.
(BTW, Spider promised to bind these names in safety and Oak to secure them within his arms, so that they cannot be used for their harm.)
After thanking them all, I left the clearing, returned to the sea, and awoke.